? ??????????????Optimistic Sunshine? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.2 (6 Ratings)??7 Grabs Today. 2554 Total Gr
abs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Ornamental Flowers? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (5 Ratings)??7 Grabs Today. 1976 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Simple Elegance? ????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jaxten's Birth

It all began at 3:30am (which could have been my first clue because I went into labor at 3:30am with Caden also).  I woke up and had to pee (shocker, I know), and then I had the most awful pain.  I kind of blew it off, but it happened again 20 minutes later.  I woke up my husband and told him I had had two really bad contractions but it was probably nothing.  He said "I guess I'll go plug up the video camera so it can charge for a while just in case".  The next one was 11 minutes later.  Then.....BAM!  Every 3 minutes!  Back to back, non-stop!  I said "Uh, Scottie, maybe you should pack that video camera up and just plan on plugging it up at the hospital, cause' WE NEED TO LEAVE NOOOOOWW!!!!!!"  We were out the door!  Scottie was calling his mom, my mom, Heather, and my granny all while I was writhing in pain and agony in the front seat.  His foot mashed harder on the gas pedal during every contraction.  I told him I'd rather not wreck and die on the way and he would slow down a little for just a moment.  We made the 25-30 minute drive to the hospital in about 15 minutes!

We pulled up to the hospital just after 4:30am.  Last time we parked and we walked in and I was happy and excited and not in too much pain.  This time I made Scottie pull right up to the door and turn the emergency lights on.  There would be no leisurely walking for me.  So on went the flashers and he ran inside and grabbed a wheelchair and came flying back out.  Some poor little guy who was working at the desk came following behind I guess to see what was going on.  We came wheeling back in and once he saw my belly and the look on my face, you should have seen the look on his face!  He led us to the elevator and stepped inside long enough to push the 4th Floor button then bolted out of the closing doors and shouted "Good Luck".  I think he was thinking he did not want to deliver a baby in the elevator!

So we get out of the elevator and rolled up to the check-in desk where a nurse was taking her dear sweet time checking in another pregnant lady, who in my opinion did not appear to be in active labor.  So we waited FOREVER a few minutes and she looked at us and said "Oh, is she in labor?"

DUH (Excuse me, but I always double over and squeal while clinching my fists so hard they almost bleed every 2-3 minutes, that's just normal)  Whatever

We FINALLY get to a room (this is only about 4:50, but it seemed like eternity) and they check me and discover that I'm a good 6cm dilated and fully effaced.  BRING ME DRUGS NOW!!!!  They had to get me in a room first and then I had to wait because the anesthesiologist was busy.  It was around 6:00am when I got my epideral.  Relief, at last.  The dr came in and broke my water at 6:15am and I was 8cm dilated by then. 

Sometime after that, the epideral started wearing off a little and then it wore off a lot.  I told my nurse they had better fix it before I was ready to push, so in came the drug man again.  He really socked it to me this time.  I was absolutely useless from the waist down.  Couldn't even move a toe.  During all of this, the baby's heartrate was starting to drop every once in a while.  First there was one nurse checking the monitors, then there were 2, then they started flooding in the room which scared the fool out of me.  They put an oxygen mask on me and kept rolling me from one side to another.  They asked if I could get up on my hands and knees in the bed to try to re-position the baby so I tried.....and utterly failed.  I was so numb I couldn't even roll myself over much less get on my knees.  I kept asking what was going on and looking at Scottie and Kathy(Scottie's mom) and my mom, but nobody would say anything to me.  Kathy finally came over beside my bed and held my hand.  I knew she knew what was going on because she used to work there on the mother/baby floor.  I think everyone just didn't want to scare me.  They said they needed to hook up a heartrate monitor directly to the baby because the one wrapped around my waist was not picking up very well.  (Which I later found out was a little probe that they stuck in the top of his head.) (OUCH).  They said I was ready to push but they were still waiting on the doctor to get back.  The nurses started mentioning the word "c-section" and had me totally terrified.  Just then the doctor came in and so calmly stated "hey girl, let's get started, we need to get this baby out of there!" 

At 7:50am I started pushing.  Scottie was on one side and the nurse was on the other side.  After about 10 minutes, I had only pushed about 6-8 times.  Heather came bursting in the door (after standing in the elevator for several minutes because she got in and forgot to push a floor button) afraid she had missed it and Dr Lindel and Scottie started joking with her.  One of them (we won't name names here, but I have proof on video) totally dropped my leg and I almost slid right off the end of the table! 

I pushed once or twice more.......

   -----And at 8:05am-----

Jaxten Scott Speer was born
7lb 3.3oz , 21in

A perfect, precious little boy with the most gorgeous big lips!  Instant love at first sight!!